Unlocking Success in Tech: Strategies to Stand Out and Excel

Technology is the canvas of our imagination, where every stroke of innovation paints the future. This is a saying that rings in my mind every time I think of how fancy tech is and its ability to create interesting stuff.

I was privileged to have had the opportunity to attend a tech event, Kickstarting your tech career, facilitated by She Code Africa at Daystar University. I met various amazing people in the tech industry, people I’d wish to have around as I grow in my career and so should you.

These are the key things that I learned from the keynote speakers and the panelists.

The first speaker, Mr. Ben Roberts, shared his journey of how he got into tech at a very young age. It was a challenging experience, but perseverance ensured he achieved his career goals. Tech has changed significantly now, unlike in the past. During his days, getting hired was easy as there wasn't much competition. However, that's not the case anymore. Nowadays, everyone sees tech as a lucrative field and wants to get into it. There are many developers around, leading to stiff competition for jobs. So, what sets you apart? What makes you the best candidate for the job? He says it's mastering the trends and being excellent at what you do that would make a clear difference and give you an edge over the rest of the candidates.

Next was the panel session featuring speakers Saruni Maina (AKA Fintech Guy), Mukiri Mwangi, Fanice Gitahi, and Roina Ochieng. They discussed navigating career opportunities in tech and the industry revolution. It was a captivating discussion to be part of. Listening to the speakers share their journeys into tech was truly inspiring. Tech extends beyond coding; there are numerous opportunities in areas like product management, UI/UX design, sales, and more. There's a call to embrace the diversity of the field by becoming a generalist. But above all, it's crucial to follow your intuition and pursue what truly resonates with you.

The other point of discussion was about seeking mentors, a topic that some people tend to overlook but is very interesting. So, what are the best practices? First, it's essential to be intentional and know what you want from a mentor and how you want it. Mentorship isn't just about receiving; as a mentee, what can you offer in return? To make this happen, you need to research your chosen mentor well. It's wise to choose someone whose area of expertise aligns with yours. This ensures that the aspect of giving something in return is taken care of. You can assist with debugging projects, writing documentation, and much more.

Take your time to explore various fields and find one that excites you the most. For those still in school, it's recommended to get involved and learn about the current trends in the tech space. Some real-world aspects might not be covered in class, or if they are, they might not be presented in the best context.

Apart from the projects you do in class, such as printing stars using loops(pun intended), it's beneficial to go the extra mile by building applications that set you apart from the rest. You might wonder, as a beginner, how to start building projects and what projects to focus on. This is where YouTube and other online resources come in handy. Utilize the power of free resources to enhance your skills by working on projects.

I've mentioned standing out among others. How do you do it? Based on the speakers' insights, here are some ways: Attend networking events; they're great for meeting like-minded individuals. Push yourself to overcome introversion, engage with others, and join relevant communities. And most importantly, excel at what you do.

These invaluable insights were gleaned from a distinguished panel of recruiters comprising Elizabeth Biamah, a Tech Talent Acquisition Specialist; Joseph Gichuhi, a Data and Engineering recruiter at Microsoft; Anne Mukundi, a Solutions Architect at Sand Technologies; and Andrew Alston, the CTO at Liquid Intelligent Technologies.

Market Yourself as a Brand: In today's competitive job market, it's essential to view yourself as a brand. Publicize your projects and skills, showcasing them to the world. Building in public not only demonstrates your capabilities but also increases your visibility in the industry. Remember, building projects and being well-spoken are key components of establishing your brand identity. Strive for excellence in everything you do.

Communication is Key: Effective communication is paramount in every aspect of the recruitment process. Whether you're an applicant or a recruiter, clear and open communication fosters trust and understanding. It's better to over-communicate than to leave important details unclear or unaddressed. This transparency ensures a smoother experience for both parties involved.

Research Companies Thoroughly: Before applying for a role, take the time to research the company extensively. Understand their values, missions, and culture inside out. This knowledge not only gives you an edge during the application process but also helps you tailor your resume and prepare for interviews more effectively. It's about aligning yourself with organizations that resonate with your values and goals.

Stand Out with Genuine Excellence: With opportunities limited and competition fierce, it's crucial to stand out from the crowd. Authenticity and mastery of your craft are key differentiators. Be genuine in your interactions, showcasing your unique skills and experiences. Remember, while technical skills may open doors, it's the mastery of soft skills that ensures long-term success and advancement.

Utilize AI Wisely: While AI can be a valuable tool for learning and productivity, it's essential to use it wisely. Avoid relying solely on AI as a code generator tool. Instead, view it as a supplement to your learning journey. Graduating as a beginner with only academic credentials isn't enough. Showcase your practical skills and experiences alongside your academic achievements to demonstrate your readiness for the workforce.

Closing Thoughts: As the panelists emphasized, building your personal brand, effective communication, thorough research, genuine excellence, and wise utilization of AI are critical components of success in today's job market. By embracing these principles, you can navigate the recruitment process with confidence and stand out in a crowded field of talent.